Geheugen Collectief is an independent centre for historical research. We conduct historical research for central and local governments, companies, organisations and private persons. We take great care in translating our scientific historical research into a final result that appeals to a broader audience. This end product can take several forms, such as a research report, a book or a brochure, an historical walk, an exhibition or a website.
Our researchers all have a Master or PhD in History and have expertise in different areas of historical research. Therefore we can compose a team that perfectly fits your particular (research) needs and we can provide an appealing end product, appropriate for your target audience.
- You want to know more about a relative who fought in the first or second World War in Belgium?
- You are investigating an international topic, but you are not able to do research in Belgian archives?
- You are preparing a project, an exhibition, … which contains a Belgian aspect and you want to set up a partnership with Belgian experts?
- You are writing a book, … on Belgian history and want a team of historians proofread your result?